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Brooks Dental, P.C. Blog

5 Serious Health Problems Your Dentist in East Boston Might Find

January 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tnt_admin @ 4:12 am

5 serious health problems your dentist in East Boston might find.Did you know that your mouth is actually a window to your overall health and well being? Believe it or not, there are many health concerns that your dentist can detect in early stages, which gives you an opportunity for effective treatment early on. Your trusted team at Brooks Dental is your partner in optimum oral health, and here are 5 serious health problems your dentist in East Boston might find during your routine checkup.


How To Stop Your Teeth Grinding in Boston

November 18, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 3:09 pm

What exercises can help me stop teeth grinding in Boston?You wake up with a searing headache. This is not the way to start the day. As you slowly get out of bed, you soon find yourself staring into the mirror. You yawn and your teeth immediately catch your eye. They’re obviously worn down. You know that you’ve been grinding your teeth at night for years, but it’s gotten especially bad in that last few weeks. What causes this? Better yet, how can you stop it? The team at Brooks Dental want you to understand your teeth grinding in Boston a little better, and let you know how you can stop it. (more…)

Dental Implants and Bridges in Boston Replace Missing Teeth

September 21, 2016

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , — tnt_admin @ 5:13 pm

Smile gaps cause poor self-image and oral health. Learn about dental implants and bridges, choices for tooth replacement ar Brooks Dental in Boston.

The American College of Prosthodontists, experts in tooth replacement options, states that approximately 178 million people in the United States are missing at least one permanent tooth. That’s a lot of teeth and a lot of impact on smile aesthetics and oral function. To help reduce that startling statistic, the dentists at Brooks Dental in Boston offer modern dental implants, bridgework and dentures to help people have fully functional, attractive smiles they can be proud of.


Five Things You Should Know About Dental Hygiene From Your Dentist in Revere

August 28, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — tnt_admin @ 9:15 pm

Important things you should know about dental hygiene, from your dentist in Revere.Now that we understand more about the oral systemic connection, we realize how oral health is connected to overall health, and how important it is to maintain it. Besides regular trips to your dentist twice per year, there are many additional things you can do at home to help maintain your oral health. At Brooks Dental, we strive to be your lifelong partners in achieving and maintaining optimum oral health. Here are five things you should know about dental hygiene from your dentist in Revere.


Fine dentistry for Revere residents is at Brooks Dental

July 3, 2016

Filed under: cosmetic dentistry,General Dentistry — Tags: , — tnt_admin @ 7:07 pm

Revere DentistWhat lengths would you go to provide you and your loved ones with an outstanding vacation? Save your money for several years? Fly a thousand miles? The answer is: you would do quite a bit.

How much more important is your preventive, restorative and cosmetic dental care? So, Revere area residents should consider the short, 15-minute drive to Brooks Dental in Winthrop for the best treatments modern dentistry has to offer.


How to choose an East Boston dentist

June 10, 2016

Finding the right dentist takes digging. Read tips on finding an East Boston dentist. Prevention, caring, skill and education are vital to your selection.

You and your family need a new East Boston dentist. You are not sure how to start your search but know you want the best dentist in the area. What should the best dentist in the East Boston area look like? (more…)

What is sedation like at the dentist?

May 9, 2016

Filed under: Sedation Dentistry — Tags: , — brooksdental @ 3:25 pm

sedationFor some people, the mere thought of seeing the dentist is so stressful they simply elect not to visit the dentist. Unfortunately, this is not a healthy choice. Maintaining your oral health is not only important to the appearance of your smile, but research has proven that the condition of your mouth can have a significant impact on your general health. Therefore, you must do something to overcome your anxiety. Brook Dental is the Revere sedation dentist who can help. We offer oral conscious sedation to help ease your anxiety even before you arrive at our office.


Your Cosmetic Dentist in Revere Improves and Enhances Your Smile

April 14, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 2:02 am

Your cosmetic dentist in Revere can help you improve and enhance your smile.Are you satisfied with the appearance of your smile? Is there something you’d like to change or enhance about your smile? Do you feel confident about smiling freely? Perhaps you have teeth that are stained or discolored. Maybe your teeth are crooked or overlap. Whatever the case may be cosmetic dentistry can help! There is a wide range of cosmetic dental options available from whitening to straightening your teeth. Your cosmetic dentist in Revere can help you improve and enhance your smile.


Winthrop porcelain veneers: the secret of a sparkling smile

March 2, 2016

Filed under: cosmetic dentistry — brooksdental @ 6:25 pm

Winthrop porcelain veneersFor a bright, attractive smile, cover chips, stains and gaps in 2 dental visits. Winthrop porcelain veneers recreate natural-looking smiles.

Who wants a chipped, discolored smile? The answer is no one does. That’s why Brooks Dental P.C. in Winthrop offers a diverse menu of cosmetic dental services, including beautiful porcelain veneers. (more…)

Give your smile a brand new look with teeth whitening!

February 8, 2016

teeth whitening revereDark, dingy teeth — no one wants them, but the truth is they’re one of the most common side effects of age. Thankfully, you can rejuvenate your smile and look years younger with a professional teeth whitening treatment in Revere! Brooks Dental can help you reveal your whitest, most dazzling smile in just one visit to our state-of-the-art practice. Keep reading to find out more about this wonderful cosmetic option today!


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