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Brooks Dental, P.C. Blog

Lost an Invisalign Aligner? Here’s What to Do Next!

November 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 4:27 pm
woman who has lost an Invisalign aligner

After eating lunch, you clean up the dishes and throw away the garbage. Because you have Invisalign, you go to the restroom to brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners back in. But then, you realize that you don’t know where they are! Even if you spend time searching for them, you may come out empty handed. Is this really a serious problem? What should you do next? Keep reading to find out!


Cavities During Invisalign? How to Protect Your Shifting Smile

August 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 4:11 pm
woman covering her mouth with cavities during Invisalign

You dream of having a beautifully straight smile, and you know that Invisalign is a subtle treatment that can get the job done. Unlike traditional braces, the clear plastic covers your teeth completely, gently shifting your teeth into alignment without impairing your appearance or ability to eat whatever you’d like.

But unless you continue to care for your teeth, you could end up with a lot of cavities during or after your Invisalign treatment! Keep reading to learn how this is possible and what you can do to prevent cavities from interfering with reaching your dreams!


The Importance of Early Detection: Why Your Checkup Matters

July 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 3:33 pm
patient and dentist talking about the importance of early detection at checkup

It’s about that time again. Your six-month dental appointment is coming up. Although you like the fresh, clean feeling after your teeth have been professionally treated, you contemplate skipping this visit. You can go another six months between cleanings, right? Think again!

You’ve forgotten the other equally valuable reason for this routine appointment—the checkup. What is your dentist checking for? Why is early detection of oral issues important? How does a dental checkup go? Read on to find out!


6 Foods That Keep Your Teeth Brilliantly White After Treatment

June 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 3:45 pm
woman eating an apple to keep teeth white

“All done,” your dentist says as your whitening treatment finishes. You look in the mirror and can’t believe your eyes—your teeth are significantly brighter! You love how the teeth whitening turned out, and you want to make it last.

Then, you feel a hunger pain in your stomach. What can you eat that won’t discolor your brand-new smile? You know that certain foods can stain your teeth, but are there ones that can help your teeth hold onto their whiteness? Keep reading to learn about six of them!


When to Whiten Before the Big Day

May 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 5:00 pm
smiling bride and groom who did professional teeth whitening for wedding

You’ve booked the band and ordered the flowers and the cake. You’ve selected the venue and hired the caterer. To say weddings require a lot of planning is an understatement. But you’ve been looking forward to this day for your whole life—you want everything to be perfect.

While you’re making arrangements for the event itself, don’t forget to get yourself ready for the spotlight. Your smile will appear front and center, and any discoloration could make it stand out in the wrong way. But how do you know when to schedule teeth whitening beforehand? Keep reading to find out!


Store-Bought or Professional Teeth Whitening? How to Choose Wisely

March 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 2:22 pm
woman thinking about choosing professional teeth whitening

Like many others right now in this economy, you’re watching every dollar. You don’t have room in your budget for expenses that aren’t worth the cost. So when you consider whitening your teeth, you have to choose between professional treatment with your cosmetic dentist or over-the-counter solutions.

Looking purely at the price, you can “save” money by going with the store-bought option; however, when you look at the quality of what you’re getting, professional teeth whitening may offer the better deal. Keep reading to learn the difference between these choices and which one could be right for you.


More Than Teeth: 4 Other Things Your Dentist Does at Your Dental Checkup

January 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 5:37 pm
man giving a thumbs up at his dental checkup

You know the drill. You sit in the special reclining chair, and the dentist asks you to open wide. You know they inspect every tooth for signs of cavities, but did you know that there are plenty of other things your dentist does while they’re looking inside your mouth? It’s true! Dental checkups involve much more than you think, so keep reading to find out what else your dentist does during these appointments.


Sleep Apnea and Anxiety: How to Have More Peaceful, Restful Sleep

December 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 4:07 pm
man who struggles with sleep apnea and anxiety

You sit straight up, gasping for air. Your phone says it’s still the middle of the night, but you feel wide awake with a fast heart rate. Too soon, the alarm goes off to start the day. You feel as though you haven’t slept at all, and your overwhelming anxiety kicks in right away. You have to get the kids ready for school and get to the office in time for an important meeting. Little stresses bother you more than they probably should, and you know it’s going to be a rough day. Does this sound familiar?

You could have sleep apnea, a condition where the facial tissues block airflow, interrupting your breathing and causing your body to panic in order to resume breathing. Another likely side effect of sleep apnea is that your brain’s activity is interrupted, affecting your mood and thinking patterns. But how could sleep apnea and anxiety be connected? Can you address both problems with one treatment? Read on to find out!


5 Ways Untreated Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Health

November 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 2:10 pm
tired man with untreated sleep apnea
Monday morning again

In the middle of the night, you gasp for breath. Your heart is pounding, and you feel a little sweat on your forehead. You tell yourself you’ve had a nightmare and try to go back to sleep. Then, in the morning, you feel as if you didn’t sleep at all. Does this happen to you somewhat frequently? Do you regularly feel fatigued throughout the day?

Scientists estimate that one in 15 American adults has sleep apnea, which equates to about 18 million people. Unfortunately, about 80 percent of these people are undiagnosed and untreated. But is this a big deal? Does insufficient sleep really affect other areas of your health? The answer is definitely yes! If your body doesn’t get enough quality rest at night, don’t be surprised if it starts to affect your days. Your sleep impacts so many other functions. Read on to learn how untreated sleep apnea can have an negative effect on you.


4 Ways to Prepare for Your Sleep Apnea Study

October 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brooksdental @ 12:25 pm
patient who needs to have a sleep apnea study

After a full night’s rest, you still feel fatigued throughout the day. Perhaps your partner complains about your consistent snoring, and you wake up with headaches or a sore throat. You could have a serious condition called sleep apnea, which deprives your body of air while you sleep. Properly diagnosing this problem is essential to getting the care you need and getting enough quality sleep.

The diagnostic process involves a sleep study, which is conducted at a special facility where your vital signs and oxygenation are monitored throughout the night. This test shows your doctor vital information to help them know how best to address your sleep issues. But what do you need to do going into the sleep apnea study? Keep reading to find out!

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