The most troublesome aspect of an emergency is the element of surprise that it presents. You just never know when it’s lurking around the corner. But if you have some learned responses in place, an emergent situation doesn’t have to become a disaster. When it comes to oral health, accidents and sudden trauma can occur just like with any other part of your body, and that’s why your Winthrop dentist wants you to have some information to rely upon if you have a dental emergency. Learn more about how to cope with these situations as you read further.
Winthrop Dentist Explains How to Handle Dental Emergencies
December 5, 2017
How Dental Implants Work With Your Existing Oral Structures
November 21, 2017
Modern dentistry offers many ways to replace missing teeth. At the forefront of these methods is dental implants, but what makes them so special? You might have heard that they are sturdy and natural-looking, and that they can last for a lifetime, but all of these benefits stem from a single fact: implants are very biocompatible. They bond with your existing oral structures to become a functioning and important part of your body. How does this process work?
Does Teeth Whitening Gum Really Work?
October 6, 2017
Beauty is only skin deep, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pay attention to your appearance. Making a great first impression often starts with an attractive smile — and the whiter your teeth are, the better. If you’re just now thinking about how to get a brighter set of pearly whites, you might be wondering which products are best for your purposes. Chewing gums that claim to whiten teeth could seem too good to be true; after all, it can’t be that easy, can it?
Does the Dentist Know if I Floss or Not?
September 17, 2017
You might be diligent about brushing your teeth twice a day every day, but do you also floss? Many people avoid flossing because they find it to be uncomfortable or time-consuming. However, it isn’t something you should skip. Flossing every day can protect your gorgeous smile and give you a great clean feeling. Plus, it’ll make sure you don’t get a lecture from your dentist the next time you go in for a routine checkup.
Considering Getting Dental Implants in Boston? Get the 411!
August 13, 2017
When you’re looking to replace your missing teeth, it’s important to find a dentist that will help you to make the best decision for your overall health as well as your oral health. Dr. Michael Tischler, a fellow dentist, and educator, wrote about the importance of having a dentist that understands that a long-lasting, stable dental prosthetic is much more important than completing a quick dental procedure. He says, “…the goals of fixed prosthetics supported by dental implants is to provide function and aesthetics similar to natural teeth.”
Let’s explore more about dental implants, what the procedure is like, and how you can truly benefit from the most natural tooth replacement available.
Your Boston Dentist at Brooks Dental Offers Complete Care
March 7, 2017
If you live in the Boston area, please come into Winthrop to experience the finest dental care around. Your Boston dentists, Dr. Howard Brooks and Dr. Barry Brooks, along with their associate dentists, Dr. Martins and Dr. Doyle, encourage people of all ages to take advantage of their premiere dental practice. You’ll find experience, skill, and patient-centeredness all in one dental office, allowing you to achieve your best looking and functioning smile.
How to Keep Healthy, Strong Dental Implants in East Boston
February 13, 2017
So, you’ve taken the first great step to correcting your smile by getting dental implants in East Boston. This is a brand-new chapter in your life where your missing teeth been replaced, but you’ve just restored your oral health. You’ve taken the initiative to care about your oral and overall health, being one of the 95 % that end the implant process successfully. It would be wasteful of your time and restored health to neglect your teeth once again. Your dentists at Brooks Dental P.C. Cosmetic Dentists are here to provide you the information you need on how to properly maintain your dental implants for years to come.
5 Serious Health Problems Your Dentist in East Boston Might Find
January 6, 2017
Did you know that your mouth is actually a window to your overall health and well being? Believe it or not, there are many health concerns that your dentist can detect in early stages, which gives you an opportunity for effective treatment early on. Your trusted team at Brooks Dental is your partner in optimum oral health, and here are 5 serious health problems your dentist in East Boston might find during your routine checkup.
How To Stop Your Teeth Grinding in Boston
November 18, 2016
You wake up with a searing headache. This is not the way to start the day. As you slowly get out of bed, you soon find yourself staring into the mirror. You yawn and your teeth immediately catch your eye. They’re obviously worn down. You know that you’ve been grinding your teeth at night for years, but it’s gotten especially bad in that last few weeks. What causes this? Better yet, how can you stop it? The team at Brooks Dental want you to understand your teeth grinding in Boston a little better, and let you know how you can stop it. (more…)
Your Cosmetic Dentist in Revere Improves and Enhances Your Smile
April 14, 2016
Are you satisfied with the appearance of your smile? Is there something you’d like to change or enhance about your smile? Do you feel confident about smiling freely? Perhaps you have teeth that are stained or discolored. Maybe your teeth are crooked or overlap. Whatever the case may be cosmetic dentistry can help! There is a wide range of cosmetic dental options available from whitening to straightening your teeth. Your cosmetic dentist in Revere can help you improve and enhance your smile.