Now that we understand more about the oral systemic connection, we realize how oral health is connected to overall health, and how important it is to maintain it. Besides regular trips to your dentist twice per year, there are many additional things you can do at home to help maintain your oral health. At Brooks Dental, we strive to be your lifelong partners in achieving and maintaining optimum oral health. Here are five things you should know about dental hygiene from your dentist in Revere.
Five Things You Should Know About Dental Hygiene From Your Dentist in Revere
August 28, 2016
Fine dentistry for Revere residents is at Brooks Dental
July 3, 2016
What lengths would you go to provide you and your loved ones with an outstanding vacation? Save your money for several years? Fly a thousand miles? The answer is: you would do quite a bit.
How much more important is your preventive, restorative and cosmetic dental care? So, Revere area residents should consider the short, 15-minute drive to Brooks Dental in Winthrop for the best treatments modern dentistry has to offer.
How to choose an East Boston dentist
June 10, 2016
You and your family need a new East Boston dentist. You are not sure how to start your search but know you want the best dentist in the area. What should the best dentist in the East Boston area look like? (more…)
Winthrop root canal therapy stops pain and saves teeth
January 2, 2016
Avoid infection and pain with root canal therapy from Brooks Dental in Winthrop. Two visits comfortably restore health and function to failing teeth.
You have a tooth with numerous fillings or a large, deep cavity, or worse, your jaw aches and is swollen. You dread the words “root canal therapy,” but take heart. Modern endodontic therapy is very comfortable and take just 2 short appointments at Brooks Dental in Winthrop. (more…)
How To Know When To Visit Your Dentist in East Boston
November 16, 2015
It’s 2 a.m. and your throbbing tooth won’t let you sleep: it’s no mystery that you need to visit the dentist. But what about when you’re not suffering from a major problem? Should you see your dentist in East Boston this month, or next? Sometimes professional oral health care gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list, but visiting the dentist is always crucial. Learn the top five signs you need to schedule an appointment with Brooks Dental today.